Machine, Heal Thyself…
A brief word about imagery. I’ve never been a visual artist. The only ‘art’ I generate is code and prose. So, it pleases me to no end that I can actually generate interesting images through ‘prompting’ from within WordPress itself. The prompt that lead to the above image:
an image of a humanoid robot sitting under a tree. The robot has a tablet computer in their hands, which has a wire connected to the back o their head. They are clearly altering their own code, as they attempt to make improvements
I like that, because I can fiddle with the prompt a bit, and come up with an image that fairly matches the sentiment I was trying to capture in that moment. That’s as far as I have taken the usage of “AI” in my writing. I don’t use it to come up with outlines, or to fill in chunks of text. That’s still just my freeform mind doing it. But, for how long?