Digitizing Treasures
So, everything is supposed to be in “the cloud” already, right? I mean, how many times have I already backed up my DVD collection, and tossed away the physical discs? I mean, you need those physical discs in case you’re ever raided and need to prove you’ve actually purchased those hundreds of movies, and not just downloaded them from the internet right?

Moving to India, and Re-Treasuring
Well, it’s been a long time coming, but the family is going to be moving to India for a while. It met my wife in India, we got married, and soon enough moved to the US, because that was my job base. That was back in 2008. Now we’re in 2025, I’ve retired from MSFT, and it’s time to go back and be interactive with that side of the family.
There is sure to be a lot of adventure ahead, with trials, tribulations, triumphs and rewards. The only thing for certain, is that we’re not certain how it will turn out, but we’re up for the challenges, so here we go.

On the Eve of a New Year
Here it is, the last day of 2024. Of course, when a year turns over is a pretty arbitrary thing in the grand scheme of the universe, but I take a pause anyway, because the rest of the planet does. Some years back, I learned the technique of making New Year’s Commitments, rather than Resolutions. The different being, resolutions are typically ditched after the first or second week of the year. One workout at the gym, and that’s it. One run, one turn on the new treadmill. You’ve just got higher priorities… A Commitment, on the other hand, carries the weight of something you can’t escape just after the first try. You’re committed, it has priority, you’re not going to let something else muscle it out.